Funding Resources
There are several funding resources available for people with disabilities in Ontario. Explore these funding sources below and visit their websites for the most up-to-date information.
Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits
A monthly payment for eligible individuals.
Who is Eligible?
Canadians (except for people residing in Quebec) who are under 65 years of age, have met the minimum contributions to the Canada Pension Plan, are living with a long-term mental or physical disability that prevents gainful work.
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
A non-taxable monthly payment for low-income Old Age Security pensioners.
Who is Eligible?
Canadians who are 65 years or older, receive the Old Age Security (OAS) pension, and have an income that is below the maximum annual income threshold based on your marital status.
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund (MVA)
Compensation for eligible uninsured individuals who were in a car accident causing injuries or property damage.
Who is Eligible?
Ontarians who were involved in a collision in Ontario where no one had auto insurance and where there were injuries or property damage worth over $100. You may also be eligible if you were not in the vehicle (e.g., you were walking or cycling), were a passenger in the vehicle, or you are unable to to identify the other vehicle.
Ontario Assistive Devices Program (ADP)
Provides help with paying for equipment and supplies. Categories of eligible equipment include Mobility, Hearing, Communication, Visual, Diabetes, Respiratory, etc. See the website for a full list.
Who is Eligible?
Ontario residents with a valid Ontario health card who have been living with a disability for six months or more. Please note that this does not include individuals who are qualified for or receiving assistance through the 1) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or 2) Veterans Affairs Canada for the same equipment or supplies.
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Provides monthly financial support for basic needs, such as food, clothing and shelter. Financial assistance may also be available for approved disability items and services, such as the purchase of assistive devices or home renovations.
Who is Eligible?
Ontario residents over 18 years of age who meet the program’s definition of 1) a person living with a disability and 2) demonstrated financial need.
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
Veterans Affairs Canada has a variety of financial programs and services for Canadian Veterans, such as income support, compensation for illness or injury, help with medical costs, and emergency funds.
Who is Eligible?
Please visit the VAC website to learn more about the eligibility requirements for each service.
Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD)
A grant providing assistance for full and part-time postsecondary students with costs of disability-related educational services and equipment. This includes disability-related accommodations, such as note-takers, tutors, interpreters or technical aids.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals who have self-identified as having a permanent or temporary disability, and have applied for OSAP for Full or Part-Time students, or an Institute-Funded Special Bursary.
Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CSG-PDSE)
A grant providing assistance for full and part-time postsecondary students with costs of disability-related educational services and equipment. This includes disability-related accommodations, such as note-takers, tutors, interpreters or technical aids.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals who have self-identified as having a permanent disability, and have applied for OSAP for Full or Part-Time students.
National Student Awards Program (NEADS)
A scholarship program aiming to help with the costs of post-secondary education for persons living with disabilities.
Who is Eligible?
Canadian citizens who are living with a permanent disability who are accepted or enrolled in a post-secondary institution as a full-time student.
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Provides assistance for paying for post-secondary education and related expenses (tuition, course materials, childcare, living expenses, etc.) through grants and loans.
Who is Eligible?
Ontario residents or protected persons who are able to demonstrate financial need and meet the other eligibility requirements set forth by the program.
Severe Permanent Disability Benefit
Eligible previous postsecondary students with a severe permanent disability may be granted relief from outstanding student loans.
Who is Eligible?
Canadians living with a severe permanent disability who have outstanding loans from Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loans, Canada Student Loans, Part-Time Canada Student Loans, and/or Ontario Student Loans.
Disability Tax Credit (DTC)
Helps reduce the amount of tax paid by persons living with disabilities or their supporting family members.
Who is Eligible?
The DTC is available for persons with disabilities that fall under and one or more categories including Walking, Mental Functions, Dressing, Feeding, Bowel or Bladder Elimination, Hearing, Speaking, Vision, and Life-Sustaining Therapy. Individuals may be eligible if they are certified by a medical professional to be significantly impaired in one of more of these categories, or are receiving therapies to support a vital function.
Excise gasoline tax refund
Provides a refund of part of the excise tax on gasoline purchased by individuals who cannot safely use public transportation due to a permanent mobility impairment.
Who is Eligible?
Individuals with a permanent mobility impairment who cannot use public transportation, as certified by a qualified medical practitioner.